Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting - 2023

Celebrating SMB's 50th Anniversary at The Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio)

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Q&A

BMB's Editorial team and the Publications Committee of SMB

Please grab a quick lunch and meet back at 12:50pm for a brief presentation (12:50pm-1:30pm) on the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, followed by a Q & A session. This session gives authors and potential authors an opportunity to interact with the editorial team from the journal and with the Publications Committee of the society. Students interested in signing up to the referee database should come along too!

Organizing committee
  • Laura Kubatko, chair
  • Adriana Dawes
  • Mary Ann Horn
  • Janet Best
  • Adrian Lam
  • Grzegorz Rempala
  • Will Gehring
Scientific organizing committee
  • Adriana Dawes
  • Mary Ann Horn
  • Jane Heffernan
  • Hayriye Gulbudak
  • Jeffrey West
SMB 2023 is being held on the campus of The Ohio State University. As visitors to campus, all SMB participants must follow The Ohio State University Policy on Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct.

Organizing committee
  • Laura Kubatko, chair
  • Adriana Dawes
  • Mary Ann Horn
  • Janet Best
  • Adrian Lam
  • Grzegorz Rempala
  • Will Gehring
Scientific organizing committee
  • Adriana Dawes
  • Mary Ann Horn
  • Jane Heffernan
  • Hayriye Gulbudak

  • Jeffrey West

SMB 2023 is being held on the campus of The Ohio State University. As visitors to campus, all SMB participants must follow The Ohio State University Policy on Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct.