MS06 - MFBM-1 Brutus Buckeye Room (#3044) in The Ohio Union
Algebra, Combinatorics, and Topology in Modern Biology
Thursday, July 20 at 10:30am

Daniel A. Cruz,Margherita Maria Ferrari
Over the last several years, research at the interface of mathematics and biology has proven to be a powerful catalyst for advancing each of the individual fields by yielding new tools, discoveries, and open questions. In particular, techniques from algebra, combinatorics, topology, and related areas have complemented more mainstream approaches in mathematical biology while becoming natural tools for understanding biological structures and interactions. This mini-symposium will focus on recent developments and open problems in algebra, combinatorics, and topology inspired by and/or applied to biological processes. Specific topics include DNA assembly and recombination, biopolymer structure analysis, and phylogenetics, among others. Our intention is not only to facilitate discussion and collaboration but also to promote inclusivity within the associated research communities. As such, we have invited a diverse group of junior and senior speakers with complementary expertise which includes a significant number of women mathematicians.
Lina Fajardo Gomez
University of South Florida (Mathematics)"Homology for Directed Graphs with Applications to DNA Recombination"
Puttipong Pongtanapaisan
Arizona State University (Mathematics and statistics)"On the scarcity of split links spanning a lattice tube"
Caitlin Lienkaemper
Boston University (Department of Mathematics and Statistics)"Combinatorial coexpression in mosquito olfaction"
Radmila Sazdanovic
NC State University (Mathematics)"Categorified chromosome aberration model"
Margherita Maria Ferrari
University of Manitoba (Department of Mathematics)"Graph theory for DNA self-assembly"