MS03 - IMMU-1 Student-Alumni Council Room (#2154) in The Ohio Union
Viral dynamics and its applications
Tuesday, July 18 at 10:30am

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Tin Phan, Ruian Ke, Ruy M. Ribiero, Alan S. Perelson
The talks in this minisymposium address efforts to study viral dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens using clinical/experimental data, mathematical analyses, and computational approaches. The speakers in this session will demonstrate the construction and application of mathematical and computational models of viral dynamics to better elucidate understanding of various aspects of viral infection, such as the development of immunity, prevention, and treatment of diseases.
Stanca Ciupe
Virginia Tech (Mathematics)"Mathematical models of Usutu Viral Infection"
Elissa Schwartz
Washington State University (Math/Biol Sci)"Equine Infectious Anemia Virus (EIAV) dynamics and applications to vaccine development"
Wenjing Zhang
Texas Tech University (Department of Mathematics and Statistics)"Detecting and Resetting Tipping Points to Create More HIV Post-treatment Controllers with Bifurcation and Sensitivity Analysis"
Jasmine A. F. Kreig
Los Alamos National Laboratory (T6: Theoreticacl Biology and Biophysics)"Using an agent-based model to explore affinity maturation of B cells: a SARS-CoV-2 case study"