MS03 - ECOP-2 Brutus Buckeye Room (#3044) in The Ohio Union
Modeling and Analysis of Evolutionary Dynamics Across Scales and Areas of Application
Tuesday, July 18 at 10:30am

Daniel Cooney, Olivia Chu
The dynamics of evolution shape the natural world across all scales, from the evolution of multicellularity to the formation of complex human and animal societies. In this session, we aim to highlight recent work on the mathematical modeling of evolutionary dynamics, bringing together researchers focused both on mathematical and biological developments in evolutionary game theory and population genetics and mathematical modelers tackling problems in biological and cultural evolution. The talks in our session will focus on applications ranging from the evolution of treatment-resistant cancers to the spatial evolution of invasive species to mutualism within and across species, while mathematical approaches will range from stochastic processes and network models for social interactions in finite populations to the derivation and analysis of ODEs and PDEs in mean-field models.
Anuraag Bukkuri
Moffitt Cancer Center (Integrated Mathematical Oncology)"Evolution of Resistance in Structured Neuroblastoma Populations"
Olivia J. Chu
Dartmouth College (Mathematics)"An Evolutionary Game Theory Model of Altruism via Arrhenotoky"
Nicole Creanza
Vanderbilt University (Department of Biological Sciences)"Modeling and analysis of cultural evolution: insights from humans and birds"
Wai-Tong (Louis) Fan
Indiana University (Mathematics)"Stochastic waves on metric graphs and their genealogies"