CT01 - CDEV-1 Brutus Buckeye Room (#3044) in The Ohio Union
CDEV Subgroup Contributed Talks
Monday, July 17 at 2:30pm

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David Holloway
British Columbia Institute of Technology"Size regulation of the lateral organ initiation zone and its role in determining cotyledon number in conifers"
Merlin Pelz
University of British Columbia"The Emergence of Spatial Patterns with Diffusion-Coupled Compartments with Activator-Inhibitor Kinetics in 1-D and 2-D"
Renee Dale
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center"Competition for resources during semi-sequential growth of developmental units drive allometric patterns in the grass Setaria"
Samantha Ivings
University of Sheffield"Connecting abstract maths to cell biology: A novel vertex model for predicting pluripotent stem cell lineage decisions, capturing cell symmetries through internal node dynamics"